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Angie is orginally from Newfoundland, and left the province when she graduated from high school. She returned to Newfoundland in 2007 with her children and dogs to be closer to her family. 

She is an award winning entrepreneur and has been in the dog industry for over 25 years. 

 She is a certified dog groomer (although retired if you ask her!) a professional dog trainer with extensive knowledge and hands on experience in behaviour.

Helping people form a deep and respected relationship with their dogs is her passion. She has done and continues studies in many canine topics with a personal interest in holistic canine nutrition, and natural healing. 

She owns and breeds award winning Rottweiler's BrookLane Reg'd and says they are the reason that her professional and personal life is everything DOG.

Angie and some of her dogs

Her personal time

She grew up with dogs as pets in her childhood and got her first Rottweiler in 1998. Since then there has always been a dog (Rottweiler) in her family. Angie enjoys showing her dogs in the conformation ring in Canada and the USA. She has also titled many of her dogs in Obedience and Rally. 

She has competed in Schutzund (IPO, IGP) Herding, Agility, and Seiger style shows. 

A great interest in stable temperament and being a rounded K9 in everyday life is important. 

Angie is a multi-award winning entrepreneur. Starting with evening classes in her garage after her day  job back in the late 90's, in Northern BC, to  building a multi service dog business when she started Royal K9 Inc in Newfoundland in 2007.  Her "just" dog training then scaled up to her building a commercial space of 6000 sq ft and having a staff of 5 to look after the dog/cat boarding, grooming, doggie daycare, training and full pet store 365 days a week.

Learning and expanding her knowledge base is always something she seeks. Having memberships and active roles in many dog clubs, community groups and  business associations has helped with knowledge and giving back to people. Giving live demos on fun games, obedience and agility at community events,  teaching responsible dog ownership to school children on their field trips and helping girl guides and beavers with pet responsibility badges are just some of the things on her volunteer list.

All shapes & Sizes

Although Angie has spent decades living with big dogs, she has worked with people with every breed of dog and mix breed. Experience gains knowledge. She has a Brussels Griffon (Mowgli)  that she welcomed into her K9 family in 2021 and is enjoying the dynamic in her pack with a small dog and being active in the dog world as well.

Dog Bite Safety Knowledge

Teaching bite safety programs to school aged children, pre-schools, Humane Society workers,  Canada post mail carriers and Veterinary staff are things she does on the side. 

Education and prevention  saves people from unnecessary dog bites, and dogs from losing their lives.

Seminars on dog behaviour are available in any group size.

- Fear of dogs for non dog people

- Dog bite prevention

- Understanding Dog body language for safety

- Fear in the eyes of the dog

- Myths & Real life in the dog world, ETC

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